Monday, June 10, 2013

Chefs McCracken & Tough's SPUR is in This Month's Hemispheres Magazine (United Airlines In Flight Mag)

In the "Better Together" story on "tired food trends (that) get an injection of new life from visionaries who recognize the power of hybrids", United Air's Hemispheres mag takes a look at everything from Speakeasies and Tasting Menus, to Pop-Up Dinners and Farmers Markets.  In the section "Molecular Gastronomy + Gastropubs = Pub Food Chemistry" readers learn about Chef Wylie Dufresne's New York-based Alder plus Chef Brian McCracken and Dana Tough's Seattle-based SPUR.    Spur's tagliatelle with slow cooked duck egg adds "molecular impulses to Northwest outdoorsiness" they report.

Thank you to Chaney Kwak for a great article and for spotlighting Chefs McCracken and Tough's SPUR.