Frugal moms looking to support creative women with clever products loved the baby-by-the-month stickers we shared with them. They wrote: "Each Missy Fissy Clothing Sticker is 4" in diameter and is made of transparent sticky paper. When it is applied it LOOKS like it is part of the T-shirt. Each month on your child's "monthday birthday" simply stick the clothing sticker to your baby’s shirt or onesie. Take a picture to capture each stage and be amazed at how much your little one changes. Picky Sticky's are excellent for sharing photos with friends and family on blogs or facebook. At the end of the year you will have a great collection of photos to make unique birthday invitations or great holiday cards. Picky Stickys make shower gifts for the new mom!
These stickers are so cute. They are bright and colorful. Have you ever gone back to a picture and not known how old your baby was in it? I sometimes forget to date the picture. So when I go back to look at it, I'm not sure. Place a Picky Sticky sticker on your baby's bib and click the picture. You can leave it on or just one of the pictures. Its such a great idea. You will be glad you bought them. They make a great gift just make sure you buy a second set for you."
Price of Product $14.95. Where it can be purchased www.Womentorz.com