Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Everett Herald Covers IndieFlix Film FINDING KIND

Click on blog title above to read article which read in part, "As students left, they were handed cards on which they could write a "Kind Pledge" or a "Kind Apology," either to keep to themselves or to give to someone.

At North Middle School, Principal Kelly Shepherd said follow-up discussions are happening in classrooms. "Even at lunch today, I saw several of the 'Kind Apologies,' from one student to another. It's part of a bigger campaign around our school to foster a climate of respect," she said.

"It was a very realistic picture of what is happening. Certainly as a principal, and to all my eighth-graders, it's not like it was shocking. It's really realistic," Shepherd added.

Bullying is nothing new. What's new are the tools of what the film calls "emotional warfare.""

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