Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hanna Raskin of the Seattle Weekly Creates Her List of Ten Best Drink Menus in Seattle. Tavern Law Included.

photo by Kristin Zwiers
The menu is "encyclopedic" as Providence Cicero once wrote.  And the bartenders are "bookish" about their work.  End result?  One of the very best drink menus in the country and the world according to many. 

And now Tavern Law has made it onto the Seattle Weekly's Top Ten in the city list: "Tavern Law makes a point of searching out old, dead, lost, and forgotten mixed drinks and bringing them back to life in as close to their original incarnations as possible, sourcing all manner of super-artisan or ridiculously small-batch liquors and mixers and making everything else from scratch. The resulting drinks are not only some of the best you've ever tasted, but inarguable proof that dedicated, bookish bartenders can be just as creative and artistic as the greatest chefs out there. And also that your great-grandma really knew how to party."

With the sidewalk patio now open, it's an excellent time to go try a new drink on Seattle's Capitol Hill.  Congrats to the team at Tavern Law.  And thank you Ms. Raskin.

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