Click blog title above to register for one of Lance’s LIVESTRONG Seattle races or events and to learn more about participating or supporting the organization
All of us know survivors and have friends and family battling cancer. Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG organization does a terrific job supporting and inspiring survivors with resources, advocacy, research and more. We’re proud that Kat’s hubby Stuart Miner is on the LIVESTRONG Seattle Organizing Committee for the June 21st events. Feel free to email Stuart if you need more info too: sminer@windermere.com
Remember, the Tour de France starts July 4 in Monaco this year. Tour de Lance!
Photo of Lance Armstrong and Bob Roll by Stuart Miner. Photo of Stuart with Bob Roll by Stuart Miner.
All of us know survivors and have friends and family battling cancer. Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG organization does a terrific job supporting and inspiring survivors with resources, advocacy, research and more. We’re proud that Kat’s hubby Stuart Miner is on the LIVESTRONG Seattle Organizing Committee for the June 21st events. Feel free to email Stuart if you need more info too: sminer@windermere.com
Remember, the Tour de France starts July 4 in Monaco this year. Tour de Lance!
Photo of Lance Armstrong and Bob Roll by Stuart Miner. Photo of Stuart with Bob Roll by Stuart Miner.
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